Monday, 16 July 2012

We are go

We set off from London Friday, before we even escaped the M25 we have to pull onto the hard shoulder for an emergency stop (roof issues). Undeterred we carried on to good wood in the sheeting rain, on arrival it was raining so hard we got instantly soaked just getting out of the car. We pitched camp alongside some other teams in a field that was rapidly taking on swamp-like qualities. The rain continued well into the night, (the good news is that we now know our tent is solidly waterproof).

The next morning we packed up camp and headed onto Goodwood race course during a brief break in the rain; here we met Rory fresh from the previous nights graduation. The rain returned along with the arrival of various parents and supporters, all attempts at organised packing were abandoned in favour haphazardly shoving everything into the car. Many thanks to team ‘4 Stags’ for letting us use their undercover garage!

Surprisingly soon it was time to say our hasty goodbyes before climbing into the car for our lap of honour around Goodwood Ant drew the lucky driving straw. Halfway through the lap the rain returned in earnest and didn’t stop until we got on to the ferry. The bad weather made for a fairly rough crossing, however we celebrated leaving the country with a small mountain of food provided by assorted mums.

Once off the ferry France quickly became Belgium; Flemmish roads it seems are not really coping with the soggy weather. After a couple of cheeky aquaplanes from Rachel, we set up camp for the night in another sodden field somewhere west of Antwerp

Morning greeted us with small specks of actual blue sky, and we set off Eastward, we’re currently somewhere in Germany heading up towards Denmark.  (actually uploaded from via Mcwifi in Scandanavia)


  1. Sorry I didn't reply to your email about GPS units. Hope you figured something out. Anyway... good luck with all!

  2. You got new stickers !

  3. I think I saw you guys in Norway, Jessheim today. **** you guys drive slow. Hehe :)
