Monday, 9 July 2012

In which we attempt stunt* driving

It's now only a few days to go before we set off and the team spent the weekend getting prepared trying our hand at stunt* driving! Our local supermarkets came up with the goods, donating a small mountain of boxes for ‘packing’ purposes.

“who needs a tent; we could sleep in these boxes like a tramp!”

After scouting out a couple of potential locations, we snuck into college to make use of a quiet back road. Boxes were put together and we started to build a wall. Annoyingly the unfortunate weather blew the wall down several times, fortunately however we had a Joanna to hold the wall steady while we stuck on the I C Gradual Progress logo.

Once cameras were set up, we drove down the wall.

The video footage will be combined into our final trip video (the driver face-cam may have recorded a small squeal as we sped towards the wall). Oh and we took a cheesy team photo too! Check out the free T's we got from Lotus and Mountain Rescue.

*driving over some card boxes may not actually count as stunt driving but in any case we had a lot of fun.

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